Privacy Policy


Trabiza is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of the information collected through the app and the website.

If you choose to sign up with us (become a Registered User) in order to take advantage of certain Trabiza  benefits, you will be asked to provide a name, a telephone number, an email address, and a password of your choice. You may choose not to receive marketing communications from us or from the Venue at which you've made an online reservation, other than automated service messages pertaining to your reservation.

What personal information do we collect from the people that use our service? :

  1. Your name, email ID, and, or mobile number at the time of you registering on our mobile app
  2. Your mobile device location when you use our mobile app (specific location if you’ve enabled GPS, or general geographic location based on your internet connection service provider)
  3. General information about your device like type of device, operating system, and version
  4. Our mobile app optionally offers connection with your social media accounts (only Facebook currently). We collect the basic information provided by these social media accounts while connecting if user opts to do so
  5. Your activities on the app like your searches, results you selected, screens you visited, calls you placed to merchants through our app, content you shared on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) through the app

What information is accessible to Venues:

When you make a reservation at a Venue using the Trabiza Network, your name, telephone number, and sometimes your email are provided to that Venue, just as would occur if you were making a reservation over the phone. 

Social Media:

You can choose to access certain third party social media web sites and services through the Trabiza app. When you do so, you are sharing information with those sites, and the information you share will be governed by their privacy policies. You can modify your privacy settings with those third parties directly. Trabiza does not control the privacy policies of such third parties and assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions of such third parties.

Purposes of use of your personal information:

Trabiza may use your personal information for the following purposes: 

  1. to secure your reservation, by providing your name and contact phone number to that Venue
  2. to provide you with other products and services
  3. to provide services which Registered Users are entitled to under applicable terms and conditions
  4. to produce aggregate statistical data for the improvement of services offered by the app, or for any other purposes related to those above
  5. to personalize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested
  6. to securely connect you with your friends to message within the network
  7. to improve our service in order to better serve you
  8. to allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests
  9. To send periodic emails and push notifications regarding content that we feel might interest you

Contacting Trabiza:

For questions regarding how to access and change your personal information visit or contact customer support at [email protected]